Combining Bing SEO and Gaming Traffic [Case Study]

Gaming traffic and bing seo

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Countless Monetag publishers have been getting great results using mainstream traffic sources like Google and Facebook. 

But, it has recently been brought to our attention that these are not the only profitable channels that these content specialists have available. 

Don’t look now, but Bing has actually emerged as a great traffic driver, especially when combined with an evergreen vertical like gaming.

This was the exact case of the publisher starring in our latest case study.

Let’s jump right in!

Type of Traffic

According to our Bing publisher, he first decided to create a gaming site, which influenced his decision to start with Bing. 

I knew it would take me a while to get my gaming site up so I decided to go for Bing. There are fewer competitors on there and I’m not an SEO expert or anything, but I watched videos and learned a few tricks,

says our publisher.

“After a few months of using Bing Webmaster Tools, I started getting tons of traffic from the regions that are best for gaming: the US, the UK, Australia, and Canada, among others,” he continued. 

“Once I had the traffic flowing it was about content quality. So, I kept an eye out for new releases, created awesome content that was compatible with the offers I was running, and saw my daily impressions grow.”

Monetization Formats

This specific publisher decided to work only with OnClick popunders, which was the best decision for this audience. 

I started seeing results from day 1 which I thought was crazy, but the good GEOs I targeted and the easy competition put me in a great place to succeed.

So, Why the Gaming Industry?

“First of all, I LOVE gaming, I find the industry super interesting, so I know how the gaming community works. Besides that, there are tons of topics, niches, and developers that release stuff on a regular basis, all of which translated to fresh content,” says our content curation specialist. 

“As a beginner, it’s important to choose if you want to become a niche publisher and then keep an eye out to find your niche.”

Getting the Site Indexed on Bing Quickly

“I used a free and very simple process to get indexed quickly on Bing,” retells our publisher. 

The steps he followed included:

  • Create a sitemap for your site and upload it through Bing Webmaster Tools
  • Include the sitemap URL in the robots.txt file
  • Submit every new blog post or page through Bing Webmaster Tools (there’s a special feature that allows you to request indexing)
  • Keep your site updated with the latest news and releases, as this generates organic keyword rankings
  • Avoid black hat SEO at all costs! The publisher wanted to build a trustworthy site that generated revenue in the long run, so he only implemented organic whitehat methods

Time and Money Investment Meet the Potential for Revenue

“I started with the most basic possible setup where I only paid for stuff I really had, used free resources all the time, and did all the jobs myself,” says our publisher. 

This creator and publisher covered two major costs:

  • Domain name: $12 per year
  • Hosting: $2.95 per month

“I knew if I did a decent job by the second month, I’d be able to cover the third one, and I upgraded my hosting as soon as the budget allowed too,” continued the Bing content specialist. 

“Now, over two months, I generated almost 3500 dollars in revenue from Bing traffic alone, which is the reason why I consider myself a successful beginner story.” 

Hosting Provider

“I choose Bluehost as my hosting provider because it has competitive rates, it’s user-friendly, and they have integrations available for the platforms I already used, like WordPress,” says the publisher. 

“Plus, their live chat agents also sorted me out when I made a mistake with local file transfer.”

Mistakes to Avoid

“Besides all the good things I learned by testing, I also picked up a lot of knowledge by making mistakes. It would have been best to avoid some of these, but at least now I can share them to help others in my situation,” says our Bing gaming publisher. 

For instance, I didn’t back up my website data, and at some point, I did end up losing all my data. It’s really easy too, so it’s not a big deal; everyone should have a backup of their website on their local computer.

“I also went into my file manager trying to fix up my site, deleted some stuff, and made a lot of other changes. Those had unexpected effects, so I wish I would have asked for help from a professional or watched some YouTube videos to understand the changes I was making,” he added. 

Recommendations for Beginners

In addition to sharing the experiences above, our Bing publisher also shared a few tips that he wished he had during his early days. 

Here are tips for beginner publishers, taken directly from our Bing gaming publisher: 

  • Stick to your plan! Having a sound strategy and sticking to it on a daily basis will get you where you want to be
  • Monetag is definitely the platform for beginners, CPM and revenue projections are accurate, plus ads get approved quickly
  • Tracking KPIs is a must, and if you find something that works, try to duplicate and scale it
  • Use free tools to track the performance of competitors and try to use similar strategies, as long as they are relevant to your industry

Ready to Carve Your Own Path to Success?

This case study is just another example of the great results you can obtain with Monetag, especially if you get creative, focus on an evergreen vertical like gaming, and leverage all the channels at your disposal, like Bing. 

Are you ready to live your own success story that you can then share with other publishers?

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