No Harm for UX
Interstitials are highly visible but can be easily closed by site visitors
Monetize your audience with fast-loading and very clickable full-page ads with high CPM
This format is a perfect solution for additional monetization and here is why:
Interstitials are highly visible but can be easily closed by site visitors
Fast-loading, visible, and skippable Interstitial ads generate high CTRs and CPMs
You can change Interstitials' frequency, and device targeting and show ads with delay
Interstitial banner ads are proven to give consistent results in different verticals
Our publishers monetize 100% of their traffic right now. We have a massive number of advertisers in every country, so no impressions are being wasted
We work only with trusted hand-picked advertisers. All ads are automatically monitored 24/7 by world-leading anti-ad fraud and malware prevention solutions
Get the fastest weekly payouts across the globe with the flexible payment methods and the minimal $5 withdrawal amount