Monetag Referral Program In Action: How to Earn An Extra $1000+? [Success Stories]


Monetag is not only about monetizing your sites, apps, and Telegram mini-apps. It also allows you to bring new partners – publishers who also want to earn with Monetag – and get a boost to your earnings. 

And…how big is this boost?

We have the most precise answer possible: we’ll share inspiring success stories from our publishers earning with the Monetag Referral Program. Right now, you’ll see their earnings, learn their secrets, and find out how to motivate others to monetize their traffic with Monetag.

Let’s go?

Quick Intro: What Is the Monetag Referral Program About?

The point of the referral program is simple:

You share your referral link from your publisher’s dashboard with others. If someone joins Monetag with this link, you will receive a 5% commission from all their earnings.

Why get involved? Here are several main reasons:

  1. You will earn a lifetime commission. So, you’ll receive your share for as long as your referral stays active and generates income – and their income might grow, right?
  2. Monetag is a trusted and reputable brand, familiar to most people related to traffic monetization. It makes attracting new publishers easy!
  3. We are willing to pay a lot and have very competitive CPMs across all our formats. So our publishers have great opportunities to make a lot of money. Logically, this makes the referral commission generous as well.

But, well, talking is one thing, but showing real examples is another. That’s why we’ll show you more tangible and inspiring reasons: three success stories with the Monetag Referral program.

Please mind: the points stated above are always subject to the terms and conditions of the referral program.

Story 1: How Influencers Do It

About the publisher: a famous affiliate marketing and traffic monetization influencer. Coming from LATAM, he’s popular worldwide as he creates content in English. He has been a blogger since 2006 and began monetizing websites in 2011. He tried out most of the monetization options – affiliate marketing, sponsorships, link shorteners, lead generation, and, of course, website ads. Now, display ads and affiliate offers are his main focus – and he’s been with Monetag for many years now.

Referral program earnings: from $4,000 to $6,500 per month

The Strategy: Nothing Crazy or Out-Of-The-Box Thinking

Our publisher has a blog with articles about his monetization journey. He began recommending some of his favorite networks and tools in these articles and through emails. It looks like this in Monetag’s case:

He creates a post or email: it can be a review of multiple networks, a case study, or a comparison of platforms. Then, he adds contextual links into the content where it makes sense. Besides, he also posts tutorials and case studies at forums, also with referral links.

Here are the tips our publisher shared with us:

  • Focus on content. Our publisher says that if the content is interesting, his readers are more likely to sign up and start monetizing with Monetag. As he puts it,

Nothing pushy, and I never relied on paid traffic. Just SEO and my newsletter. Also, there’s nothing crazy or out-of-the-box: just regular good content that can be helpful for my readers.

  • Be honest. Our publisher suggests being as transparent as possible – create fair reviews and real case studies with genuine figures, even if they are not that great. As our publisher thinks, 

People love finding real case studies in this industry, as there’s a lack of quality content. The niche is very specific, and there’s a limited amount of content available (if any).

Note: Although the publisher doesn’t promote Monetag as actively right now as he did before, he still earns his commission from the referrals he attracted through it.

Story 2: How to Turn Forums Into a Golden Mine

Here is how our publisher introduces himself: “An experienced webmaster from Turkey who has been generating traffic and monetizing it through my own website for about 7 years. I came across Monetag through Google Search in 2021 and found it to be a good Google Ads alternative. Later, I also noticed the Referral Program and began working with it. As of today, I have already acquired 400 referral members.”

Referral program earnings: approximately $3,000 overall


This screenshot shows that he attracted big publishers that brought significant income as well as smaller referrals who still added up to his earnings as there were many of them.

The Strategy: Research, Explain, and Help

We always tell you that you can monetize your traffic via Monetag, even if you don’t own a site. And taking part in the referral program also doesn’t require having one! This story perfectly proves it.  

Our publisher does a great deal of work: researching the audience interested in monetizing through Monetag, creating content for various channels – forums and websites – and even consulting potential referrers. Here is what it looks like step by step:

  1. The research. First, our publisher decided to target those looking for Adsense Alternatives. Then, he expanded the audience to people who wanted to earn more with traffic monetization.
  1. The first contact. Besides the articles about Monetag on his own site, the publisher creates outreach content for forums and related sites. Once, he even used paid promo articles and purchases ads to spread his referral link. All of this content and ads explain that Monetag is a more profitable and handy alternative to other platforms.
  1. Consulting. As our partner was persuasive enough and had perfect communication skills, people trusted what he was saying about Monetag. They  sometimes sent him messages, asking him to explain the ins and outs of traffic monetization, and he added a referral link to every answer he gave. And this was effective:

They listened to me, believed me, and won.

Now, it’s time for tips!

  • Persuade people with facts. Our publisher states that Monetag is more useful, more profitable, and better than other advertising companies – and explains why. He highlights the regular monthly payments and convenient payout methods and praises the customer service. Besides, he shows his own earning statistics – it’s very convincing! Overall, he’s very assertive in his promos:

I suggest they try Monetag for really great results. It’s very effective.

  • Make sure you know Monetag infrastructure. As our publisher puts it, you need to know the ropes of the Monetag panel: ad setup and ad code placement. Besides, it’s essential to understand WordPress themes, Panel, and Webmaster tools. Why? Because this job is not just about telling people about Monetag and recommending them. You also need to provide support. Of course, Monetag has a very helpful support that will always help anyway, but your personal consultation might become a boost for your referral efforts.

Since I have knowledge in this field, I easily helped those who consulted me and asked for support, and I helped them as much as I could. I explained how to become a Monetag member, add a website, and display ads.

  • Be patient. As our partner says, you should not say that it does not work after a couple of trials: continue working with determination, patience, faith, and persistence. 

Story 3: It’s YouTube Time

About the publisher: An Indian professional in the online monetization space for the last six years. He began with websites and blogs and then expanded to YouTube and affiliate marketing. He knows the ropes of generating and optimizing traffic through ad networks, direct campaigns, and content strategies. He’s tried several platforms, but since finding Monetag a few years ago, it’s become one of the most consistent and profitable sources of income for him. Currently, the publisher focuses on monetizing through YouTube, blogs, and ad campaigns.

Referral program earnings: about $1,043 overall


The Strategy: Create and Educate

This partner gets his referrals mainly through YouTube and blogs. His videos are about web design, ad networks, and affiliate marketing, so he’s already gained an audience potentially interested in monetization. Here are three ways he seeds his referral links around his content:

  • Creates YouTube videos about traffic monetization and adds his referral link in descriptions and pinned comments. He also adds some content on YouTube Shorts and Instagram.
  • Writes articles on his blog, where he compares ad networks, showcasing Monetag’s advantages, and placing referral links in key sections.
  • Mentions Monetag and leaves his referral link in most of his web designing tutorial videos since many viewers want ways to monetize their websites after building them.

Aaaand, the tips from the publisher:

  • Show real earnings. Just like the previous publisher, this partner agrees: People trust numbers, so you should share your Monetag payout proof (with private details blurred).
  • Educate, don’t just sell. Simply pushing your referral link – even if you add it to every single piece of content you create – won’t work. What really works is teaching people how they can benefit from Monetag.
  • Experiment & optimize. Track your referrals, test different content formats, and improve your approach based on what works best.
  • Be сonsistent. That’s about patience again: don’t drop it after a while, even if you don’t see results right away. As the partner says,

Earnings grow over time, and right now, my Monetag referrals bring in $180 to $250 per month, and it’s scaling fast!

To Sum Up

The key takeaway from all of this is simple: Feel free to experiment with various methods and wait a bit until your efforts begin to pay off. The most important thing here is to truly understand how Monetag works and attract the right audience – the one that will love your content related to monetization and will naturally want to join.

 Stay relevant and stay engaging, and you’ll succeed!

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