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Fan website monetization is flawless with Monetag! We already have one case study that proves it.
And here is one more!
Akame, a publisher from Brazil, began her website about manga as a hobby. Now, it has already brought more than $32k!
Can you do the same? Let’s see how it all happened.
The idea initially came from a group of friends who enjoyed reading manhwas – Korean cartoon comics mainly based on Japanese manga. The website began as a small local project, where Akame published manhwa translations, news, insights, and other information for anime fans, she did together with her friends.
To create a website, they hired a web developer, so the initial investment was around 600 BRL (approximately 120 USD).
Later, the website began gaining popularity, and so ‘has become something of a responsibility,’ as Akame explained it. Now, the website owners add new content weekly.
Once the website was ready, our publisher began to promote it with the following methods:
As Akame shared, these two social networks were the key methods that helped the site grow.
Interestingly, she doesn’t apply any SEO methods, but the site is still visible in Google search results under some low-competitive keywords.
To boost the website traffic and decrease bounce rates, our publisher refused registration on the website at some point.
Overall, it took about one year and a half to start making good profits. From the very beginning, these profits were generated with Monetag.
To monetize all these efforts, our publisher works with Popunder ads. As she put it,
Popunder, for me, is the most common and easiest format to monetize traffic.
She has also tried the other formats throughout her monetization journey, but Popunder really beats them all:
As her team make news and publications mainly in Portuguese, Akame gets most of her traffic from Brazil and Portugal: here are the stats for the past year.
And, finally, here is how much Akame makes monthly:
All of Akame’s team efforts result in stable earnings of about $1800 per month.
And here is what our publisher thinks of working with Monetag:
I have been working with Monetag for a long time and have no reason to stop. In addition to being very positive, it is the only company where I can speak my primary language with my manager. This is an important point, as it facilitates communication.
As our today’s hero said ‘To succeed, just dedicate yourself and have fixed goals’. This makes sense! The only tip we can add is to ‘join Monetag today to get the most out of your traffic’.