$5,000 Per Month On a Sports Fan Website: Another Brazilian Secret [Case Study]

Sports Fun Website - Case Study

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Imagine you run a sports website in Brazil and earn about $5000 per month on it. Our partner – the hero of today’s story – doesn’t even need to imagine that: it’s a reality he lives in. 

Meanwhile, an average Brazilian salary is approximately $600. 

How is it possible? Any special hacks? Can others copy his success?

About the Publisher and His Websites

Our partner runs several big sports fan websites with games, highlights and football-related content. At first glance, it seems nothing too complicated: a simple interface with quick links to the latest match scores and highlights — and, of course, Monetag ads appearing from time to time.

The sites mainly target Brazilian users, so the majority of impressions come from Brazil. However, the stats show that our partner also earns from a range of other GEOs, such as Portugal and even the United States, one of the most expensive sources. 

Interestingly, it all began with just an enthusiastic desire to learn more about coding and website development:

At first, I was just looking at various sites codes, and I got interested. I thought it was cool, and I’ve always wanted to learn, so I created an entertainment website. However, I’ve always wanted to make a sports fan website, too – and here it is! Over time and learning through practice and classes, with years of study, I was able to do it.

About the Earnings and Expenses

We already dropped a spoiler on this publisher’s earnings: that’s really a lot! Let’s look at some detailed monthly statistics from a single site:

Monetag stats overview for April 2024.

However, this, of course, requires some investment, too. How much?

– Maintaining just one website varies a lot, more than $2k per month. This involves servers, employees, and electricity.

How to Create, Optimize, and Promote a Sports Website?

Now, it’s time to look at what’s behind such inspiring results. What steps did our partner take to strive for this?

Step 1: Make Sure It Works Smoothly

As our publisher claims, ‘it is not possible to do something good with little investment.’ So, you need to make sure the website has high-quality servers and other technical equipment that will help it work smoothly, no matter the traffic volume.

This is especially important if your site serves plenty of visitors during the day. Overall, our publisher thinks you need to pay really much attention to this tech side:

– The ideal would be to listen to the customer. There are large sites that can be monetized, but because they are not given enough attention, their owners may give up and miss an opportunity to monetize.

Step 2: Drive Traffic

Like most publishers, this partner cares a lot about SEO — and that’s actually his key to stable, high-quality traffic.

– The main thing is SEO and your ranking on Google. We measure the result of our SEO optimization by positions in the search.

Step 3: Monetize It!

As you can see, our publisher’s site is a perfect match for Popunder ads. As it generates more profit than the other formats, the partner picked it as the main monetization option.

 However, you can also try other formats: sports site visitors are used to most types of ads, and – most likely – won’t mind them.

Monetag stats by country for April 2024

Step 4: Scale your profit

Sports sites are famous for their big traffic spikes during major games, such as the FIFA finals or some popular local matchups. Many publishers try to get the most out of such a traffic boost. 

For example, they create some special content or show ads more often than usual. We shared some tips on that in this post:

How does our partner do it?

– When a traffic spike happens, you always have to increase the server capacity to attract more visitors to the website. However, placing more advertising will only work if you are at the top.

As you can see, SEO and the technical side are again the keys to success. But, you can still experiment with ad frequency anyway. Here is our traditional tip for big sporting events: 

  • Use the combo of Popunders + Vignette Banners
  • Or, this one: Popunders + In-Page-Push ads
  • Alternatively, schedule 3-5 Popunders each 30 minutes during big traffic spikes

To Sum Up

So, how can you make $5,000 with a fan website? Here are the main takeaways from our partner:

  • It requires investment in a high-quality website ready for traffic spikes
  • It needs a good SEO strategy
  • It might also rely on a little luck…
  • And Monetag as a monetization platform.

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