Maximizing Your Potential: How to Make Money on YouTube?

youtube traffic monetization

When the first man stepped on the moon’s surface, millions of children wanted to become astronauts. Today, if you ask an average child about his desired activity when he grows up, be sure to hear “I want to be a YouTuber” in 8 out of 10 cases.

Did you know that there is only one resource more popular than YouTube? Yup, you got it, it’s Google. The second most-visited website in the world is YouTube, with its 2.514 billion active users monthly. 

What does it mean for publishers? This is a golden opportunity to tap into this vast audience and monetize YouTube traffic. This article will guide you through the process and offer insights from our partners, YouTubers:

  • Raj Patel – dedicated sports reviewer with a themed channel and blog)
  • Mr. Naveed Shah – creator of a successful channel on how to make money with YouTube and blogging
  • Tricky Yar – YouTube channel owner who knows how to earn from media content
  • Ajaba – Monetag’s customer and a successful publisher who creates websites about video games

All of them successfully drive traffic to their blogs and websites from YouTube. This article is based on their experience and the recommendations they gave us. 

Disclaimer: Please note that some of our partners have asked us not to include links to their channels in this article for confidentiality reasons.

Working with YouTube traffic: engaging content is a king 

Raj Patel is a passionate reviewer of sports events and video games (mainly – soccer simulators, so his two hobbies are interconnected), and the first thing he did was master the art of creating engaging content. He says:

“To be honest, it took me about a year to grow my YouTube channel. Attracting an audience is a matter of research, intuition, and your own interest as an author. So researching trending topics and being really involved in content – here are my main success secrets.

Creating content isn’t just about the subject; it’s about the passion you infuse into it. If you love what you do, your audience will feel that connection.”

And our partner Tricky Yar adds: 
“I have been working for the last 6 years. I have multiple channels. Tech news, online earning, and sports channels… and yes, the main thing to say is that only engaging content can help you start and later – succeed. By the way, remember to make it all original each time and not to use clips of another video, pictures, title, and description.”

So, the key to attracting an audience on YouTube is producing high-quality videos that are both entertaining and informative. Here are some content creation tips:

  • Be authentic: be yourself, and let your passion shine through your videos. Authenticity helps build a loyal audience.
  • Consistency: stick to a regular uploading schedule to keep your viewers engaged and coming back for more.
  • Engage with your audience: respond to comments, ask for feedback, and create a community around your channel.

“Consistency is the heartbeat of a successful YouTube channel. Treat your audience like a community, not just viewers, and they’ll keep coming back,” – Raj says.

However, quality content is not enough to bring users and money. What else you need is… 

SEO, SEO, and SEO again

To get organic traffic from YouTube, you must optimize your channel for search engines. This involves:

Keyword research: use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords for your niche. Incorporate these keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags.


Compelling thumbnails: eye-catching thumbnails can improve click-through rates. Use images that convey the essence of your content.


Video descriptions: Write detailed and informative descriptions for your videos, including relevant keywords and links to your website.

Image source: Kevin Stratvert’s YouTube channel

Backlinks: integrations result in mentions of your channel on the other websites, mentions are backlinks that lead to better visibility (maybe, you know that Google/YouTube perceive resources with backlinks as reliable). 

Okay, what to do next if you own a website or blog and want to bring more traffic there using your YouTube channel? Let’s see. 

Monetizing YouTube Traffic: leading viewers to your website

Raj Patel utilizes several strategies to drive traffic from his YouTube channel to his blog. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Call to action (CTA): in your video, encourage viewers to visit your website, but give them a reason to do so. Offer additional content, resources, or exclusive materials available on your site only.
  • Video end screens: use the end screens feature to promote your website and other related videos:
  • Links in the description: always include a link to your website in the video description.
Image source: Best of Joe Rogan YouTube channel

Instruments and services you will need to monetize YouTube traffic

Here are the essential things you need to get started with YouTube traffic monetization:

  • Establish a website or a compelling landing page – you will lead users there to get potential conversions. Conversions entail actions such as making a purchase, submitting their email for your enticing offer, or clicking on your affiliate link.
  • Secure reliable hosting services; we’ve provided a selection of budget-friendly hosting providers below.
  • Obtain a CPA (Cost Per Action), AM (Affiliate Marketing), or Publishers account. Details for account creation are also outlined.
  • Identify a source for your traffic, which can range from social media to leveraging Google, or even through paid advertising channels.
  • Set up a payment processor for receiving your earnings. While we’ll suggest a few options, keep in mind that some platforms also offer the choice of receiving payments via mailed checks, albeit with a longer processing time.

Where to buy a domain name?

Bluehost – Bluehost serves as an all-in-one solution for domains, hosting, SSL certificates, and domain privacy. While you only need domain and hosting, an SSL certificate enhances trust, and domain privacy adds convenience. The Bluehost package I recommend includes a free domain and SSL certificate. – offers a seamless experience for securing website domain names, online stores, and hosting. Finding the perfect domain is a breeze, and they provide professional online marketing tools.

HostGator  – another hosting provider worth considering.

For budget-friendly shared hosting and VPS hosting, you can also explore the options in the BlackHatWorld marketplace.

If you’re looking for other domain providers that offer cost-effective solutions, you can check out the following:

While free hosting can be tempting, it comes with its own set of limitations:

  • Unwanted ads on your site (not yours)
  • Insatiable work
  • Limited traffic-carrying capacity
  • Minimal customer support

But if you still want one, you can check these:

Bulletproof Hosting

If you’re involved in activities that may breach a hosting provider’s terms of service, consider bulletproof hosting. This type of hosting ignores DMCA and takedown requests, although it is typically not cheap. Here are a few bulletproof hosting providers:

And now, let’s move right to the YouTube strategies. 

Monetization strategies: how to earn from that?

Before you start…

The typical challenge faced by aspiring YouTubers is their desire to generate revenue without making a personal appearance on camera. Achieving success on YouTube hinges on a few crucial elements:

  • Your niche and audience: building a dedicated audience necessitates catering to a particular topic of interest that your video content will address.
  • Video editing software: You can acquire video editing software devoid of watermarks through various channels. Options include purchasing Adobe products at discounted rates from the BHW marketplace. Alternatively, you can explore a selection of free alternatives such as Blender, Shotcut, KdenLive, Avidemux (a basic editor, mentioned here for reference), or Clipify.

To gain YouTube’s algorithm’s attention, your video/channel must receive recommendations to a wider audience. This is achieved through multiple traffic sources, and it also hinges on maintaining a click-through rate (CTR) within a certain range.

YouTube monetization strategies to mind 

“I use my blog to provide more content to visitors, and I also have Monetag’s ads there, so it is also profit-making. People can get to my blog right from YouTube since my articles are linked to relevant videos. If you are interested in my CTR, I gained approximately 14%-19% for viral videos on my channel.” – says Raj.

  • Affiliate marketing: promote products or services related to your niche and earn a commission for every sale generated through your channel and/or website you lead users to.
  • Sponsored content: collaborate with brands relevant to your niche for sponsored content on your blog or YouTube channel. Make sure that your collaborations make sense from the audience’s perspective. For example, if you review sports or video games like Raj, it doesn’t make too much sense to promote organic cosmetics, right? And here is what Raj adds:

“Plus, if you want your fans to trust you (which is crucial for a content maker), always inform them that the content is sponsored. Make natural and entertaining integrations to keep their attention, but, in my opinion, it doesn’t make sense to pretend that you are not advertising anything when you actually do.”

  • Google AdSense: place ads on your blog to generate revenue based on user clicks and impressions.

And the best thing: locate Monetag’s SmartLink on your website or landing page where you plan to direct your audience from YouTube – this is the easiest way to start monetizing your audience! 

And here is an insight from Mr Naveed Shah

“I’ve been on YouTube since 2016, and I’m doing really great. I have worked in five different niches, like movie’s suggestions, cricket info, free themes and plugins, and crypto airdrops.

How to make money? I’m not claiming to be an expert, but I do have some experience in those five niches. Out of those, I think crypto airdrops and movie suggestions can be really helpful for driving traffic from YouTube to your website. To do this, you’ll need a YouTube channel and be consistent in your efforts. Currently, I’m focusing on crypto airdrops and movie suggestions.

This work can be challenging because you’ll need to create a video every day. However, there’s another option if you have the budget. You can hire someone to create videos for you by paying them.”

For a dessert: a brief case study from Ajaba 

Our partner Ajaba eagerly shared a secret recipe for his YouTube traffic monetization (but you can use this strategy for website monetization, as well). Enjoy:

Ajaba used “the biggest marketing trend of our century – influencers”. As he reveals, one doesn’t need to rob a bank to work with influencers. What is more, you don’t even need to be a celebrity to succeed. Ajaba says that he made money with a website that didn’t have too much traffic at the beginning:

“What if told you, that to use influencers marketing you need nothing but a website or an app, Monetag to monetize it, and $0!”

Intrigued? Here is the recipe our partner shared:

  • Find YouTubers who have the same topic as your website or app, just make sure these influencers are either small or medium (Ajaba targeted YouTubers with decent viewers and their subscribers ranged from 10k to 100k)
  • Send them an email describing your website briefly, and ask them to promote your project, article or promo in their next video and content description 
  • Discuss pricing, since you’re a beginner and probably don’t have too much money, you may propose to pay on a monthly basis, depending on the amount of traffic they brought. Offer a percentage and arrange it for a long term. It’s not likely that a YouTuber will refuse from passive income. 

And here are the results reflected in statistics. This is how the backlinks performed:


We have also asked Ajaba about tracking his influencers’ input. And here is what he said:

“The answer is Google Analytics, when I provide the YouTuber with my article link, I use Google Analytics to see how much traffic was generated from YouTube on that specific article. Therefore I judge on how much I will pay the YouTuber regarding our initial agreement. The payment is always based on the traffic he brings to that specific article.

If I give one YouTuber many links to specific articles, then I check the traffic that was brought from YouTube to all those links. Then I combine it and decide on how much I’ll pay.

Please keep in mind that I don’t give the same link to many YouTubers, each of them has an article to promote so I can diversify my traffic and make it more targeted.”

To conclude 

In conclusion, our partners’ journeys exemplify how a website owner can successfully drive traffic from YouTube and monetize that traffic. Remember, building a loyal audience and consistently providing value should be at the core of your strategy.

With dedication and smart tactics, you can maximize your website’s potential and turn YouTube traffic into a valuable asset. And don’t forget Monetag’s SmartLink to ensure profit! 

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