Top 5 Best Ad Networks to Buy Traffic for Your Website


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Your site is dry, not enough visitors, not enough engagement? Chin up, you still have a chance to rise and overcome this obstacle. We have a potential solution that could give you the right push – we suggest you invest in paid traffic.

It’s actually not unusual for publishers to reach for paid traffic. On the contrary, it is a quite common practice, and around 65% of small to midsize businesses have done it.

Clearly, organic traffic is the absolute best, and it’s much more profitable to monetize it. But there are times when publishers need to invest in paid traffic to achieve the desired results.

However, you will be glad to hear one does not exclude the other. And if you are not sure why you would want or need to purchase traffic, especially if you had your website well-optimized for search engines, just keep on reading.

We will reveal all the benefits of buying traffic for your website while making sure you are doing it safely. And after that, we will present the best ad networks you can reach out to for this endeavor.

What does it mean to buy traffic?

We want to make sure you understand this right. So, we will start from the basics and explain what we refer to when talking about traffic purchases.

Buying traffic means buying site visitors. But not literally. It’s more like getting new visitors right where you want them – on your site. And the way to achieve that is via a paid click on an ad or via link.

Be aware that paid traffic has the ability to positively impact organic traffic. Even though the correlation is not direct, there are reasons that explain the faster growth of the site’s organic audience.

For once, people who see an ad may be more likely to click on an organic result later on. Besides that, paid clicks may lead to more mentions and shares which could lead to better organic ranking.

Also, when we talk about purchasing traffic, we refer to targeted traffic. This means visitors that will get to your website will most likely be interested in your content. You can purchase traffic from a certain GEO, and attract an audience that shares a specific interest, gender, age group, etc. (this depends on the ad networks’ targeting options).

Why would publishers want to purchase traffic?

#1  To promote a new website

The situation is this. You invested a huge amount of time, money, and other resources to prepare and launch your new website. But the engagement is low. It simply takes time and effort to optimize a new website and make sure it ranks high on Google SERP (Search Engine Result Page) so it can reach more audience.

What to do? It’s simple. You could buy traffic and get your audience. It will kick things off and allow you to work on your SEO without pressure. And if the content is good and relevant for this particular, purchased users, they might come back.

#2 To promote certain content

In another situation where you have a specific content you would like to promote to a bit wider audience than the one you already have, traffic purchase is the step you should take next.

Let’s say you just started posting reviews on certain types of products or services. And there are GEOs that could be particularly interested in this type of content. You can buy traffic from these specific countries and increase engagement on your website tremendously.

#3 To expand the area of targeted audience

If the content on your website is presented in a language that’s used in more than one country, there’s a chance for you to reach a wider audience. For example, if you are writing in Spanish, and about things that are relevant to Spanish culture, you can purchase traffic from Latin America as well. 

This could also help with decreasing your bounce rate and forming a loyal audience that will constantly get back for more content. That way, you can make your traffic quite stable.

#4 To study user’s reactions and behavior

As we already mentioned, working on getting organic traffic takes time. It’s a slow process. Sometimes, you need to know if the type of content you provide on your site is working for the audience you are targeting. 

With paid traffic, you can test your assumptions and see if you need to change the approach or adapt your content strategy. This could save a lot of your time and get you to scale your business much faster.

#5 To increase income from ads

To be clear, we do not recommend websites to rely solely on paid traffic. Paid traffic should be only an extra tool for you to promote it. Because monetizing a website without organic traffic is simply doomed to fail.

That being said, with more targeted traffic you will have a better opportunity to monetize your audience faster. And logically, to make more money in a shorter period of time.

Things to watch out for when purchasing traffic

It is essential, when purchasing traffic, to do it from safe and trusted networks (sources) so you don’t end up with bot traffic. 

The truth is that the Internet is full of companies offering cheap traffic for website promotion, but publishers need to treat them with great caution. In fact, bot traffic accounts for half of Internet traffic, which is the reason to approach this issue seriously.

Why exactly?

Fraudulent and bot traffic can bring serious harm to your website – it can affect its performance and user experience. If that’s not enough, your website can end up being banned, by the search engines but also by Monetag or any other reputable platform.

So bot traffic would be a waste of money, at least. You simply won’t be able to monetize your traffic, given you will be banned.

To underline this:

We strongly advise you not to engage with little-known companies that offer cheap traffic, as well as incentivize traffic (this refers to users who will come to your site solely motivated by promised rewards and not for the sake of the site’s content).

And even when you do decide to trust a network, make sure you have the control in your hands. Monitor the traffic they are sending, and if you become worried at any point about the quality of the traffic, or it turns out it’s not what you expected, we suggest you turn off that traffic source right away.

To summarize: Stay away, or at least be careful around websites and services promising/declaring:

  • very cheap traffic
  • autosurf, autoclick, and other types of “automated traffic”
  • traffic generators
  • natural looking traffic
  • traffic exchange
  • paid to click traffic

Using such traffic sources may cause your website to get penalized by search engines and suspended by advertising networks.

For more information on where we stand when it comes to fraudulent activities, check out our Terms and Conditions.

Top ad networks to buy traffic from

We are all aware that Facebook and Google Ads represent the two most popular platforms for paid advertising, and therefore for gaining more traffic on your website. You can find a lot of information on these sources on the Internet.

However, there are other places called ad networks you can reach out to in order to get paid traffic. There’s actually a huge number of them. To help you in your work, we have selected the very best and the most reliable among them all.



Here, we are talking about an international multisource advertising platform that has a 1 billion+ global audience and 12 years of experience. PropellerAds launches thousands of ad campaigns on a daily basis, and it’s quite safe to say you should not hesitate to start your own with this ad network.

But the most important question is – will they prevent bot traffic from reaching and harming your website? Absolutely. PropellerAds has developed a multilayer solution stack that helps them detect invalid activity and protect their partners from ad fraud. If you want to know how exactly they are doing it, read this post.

For promoting website content, we strongly recommend relying on PropellerAds’ Push or In-Page Push ad format. They have 15 million audience reach for Push and 4 million for In-Page Push daily.

Using Popunder (also called Onclick) to advertise websites is recommended only for experienced users.

Advice: You should not drive Popunder traffic directly to the website, but only through pre-lander since this ad format brings a “cold audience”. It is recommended to make users interested in your content first before redirecting them to your main website, which can be done through themed articles. Otherwise, you can see some decrease in user engagement metrics.

However, Onclick traffic has proven to be a good option for promoting content on media platforms, like YouTube.

Other things you can count on with PropellerAds are:

  • 195+ GEOs
  • A lot of features to help you optimize and enrichen your ad campaign, like Demographic and Interest targeting that will very precisely target your audience by their gender, age, and interests, or Push Badges, which are basically small graphic icons developed to help you gain more user engagement
  • Payment options – Bank card, Wire Transfer, PayPal, UnionPay, Skrill, American Express, AllPay, Advcash, Coins Paid



Taboola is a well-known ad network that has more than 9.000 publishers registered to be in their rows. They have been present on the market for 17 years now, and are considered to be trustworthy.

Why do we say that? Because Taboola is working non-stop to prevent fraudulent and bot traffic. They created a global Anti-Fraud team that manually reviews and automatically monitors for invalid traffic.

In terms of looking for the best ad networks for a traffic purchase, Taboola is definitely a suitable choice to make. The network will help you acquire new audiences and drive your revenue.

With Taboola, you will get:

  • Premium video and image ad placement – the idea is for your ads to stand out and  prevent them from being overlooked 
  • Quite an impressive list of famous publisher partners – your ads could be presented at Business Insider or USA Today
  • Payment options – Wire Transfer, ACH, check, or credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover)



Present on the market since 2006, Outbrain made sure to build a name for itself. Their main goal is – connecting businesses with engaged audiences. How efficient they are, we are not in a position to say, but they do use the latest AI prediction technology to drive better results.

You can advertise your website on other media sites through this ad platform, and therefore increase your visibility and attract more users. Native ads are Outbrain’s strongest asset, and you can use them to attract both desktop and mobile audiences.

Also, Outbrain will offer you this:

  • Extensive targeting options, including placement targeting (device, OS, browser, wifi), GEO targeting (country, city, region), interest targeting (entertainment, health, business, etc), and contextual targeting (list of vertical categories)
  • Creative specifications for each ad format, to know in advance what you need to create the best possible ad experience
  • Payment options: Wire Transfer, ACH (only available in the US), or credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express).



Among the best ad networks for bloggers and other publishers, there’s definitely MGID. With 15 years of experience and 195+ GEOs covered, they do have the ability to promote your website and serve you the targeted audience you were craving for.

We are here talking about yet another platform that supports native advertising, and has a wide variety of trusted publishing partners that will host your ads. You can reach your audience through 32.000 content websites that welcome 850 million unique visitors on a monthly level.

MGID makes sure to cover all the bases when releasing their ads – they own an AI-based algorithm that connects users to products, while showing ads and relevant content only. They are chasing high-intent audiences and displaying ads only on low-spill channels.

In case you are considering MGID, here are the things the ad network will offer you:

  • 4 different forms of native advertising including native video
  • In-house fraud-prevention system to ensure brand safety and the absence of bot traffic
  • In-depth audience targeting as well as sophisticated optimization options to make sure you are running with the right ad tactics
  • Payment options: PayPal, Payoneer, Tipalti, Wire Transfer, AHC



The last on our list of best ad networks for traffic purchase is Revcontent. Founded in 2013, Revcontent is now one of the leading native advertising platforms that can make sure you expand your audience and increase your revenue.

How exactly? By presenting your ads on top publishers sites, like Reader’s Digest, AccuWeather, Patch, or The Sporting News. The minimum traffic they can provide comes down to 50.000 visitors per month, and they have little less than 5.000 publishers among their rows.

The reasons you might choose Revcontent:

  • They have transparent and advanced reporting that will help you optimize your campaign on the go and reach maximum performance
  • Payment options: ACH transfer, Wire transfer, and PayPal 

You will be glad to hear they also include many targeting options when creating ad campaigns – by country, device, zip code, and language. It also allows you to include or exclude entire metropolitan regions.

Final thoughts

We picked and presented only the networks that work with native ads because these formats are suitable for website promotion. Thus, we encourage you to buy such traffic. 

On another note, we hope we managed to answer some of your questions and concerns on whether or not to invest in paid traffic and how to do so.

Basically, when purchasing traffic you are turning from a publisher into an advertiser who is launching an ad campaign with the intent of promoting your own product or brand.

Keep that in mind when browsing and searching for additional information on these or some other networks. But once again, be aware that scams and traps are hidden all over the Internet. We don’t want you to become a victim of a bot and fraudulent traffic and see all of your hard work evaporate with your site being banned. 

So stay smart, choose who to trust, and don’t rush with these decisions. We will be waiting patiently to once again start monetizing your visitors and gain you profits that will make all of the trouble worth it.

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