240 285+ publishers have already discovered the benefits of Monetag SmartLink

Highest CPMs

We work with thousands of advertisers from all over the world. That’s why our SmartLink ads bring publishers high revenue.

Optimization Algorithms

Our advanced technologies choose the most profitable offers based in your niche and specific marketing channel.

Weekly payouts

You receive automated payouts starting from $5 every week via your preferred payment method.

Who can benefit from SmartLink

This is an ideal format to monetize free traffic from Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram and other sources. Get the highest CPM rates possible, even if you don’t own a website!

SmartLink is the most user-friendly monetization format for site owners. Ads appear only when users click a certain element on the page. Which one? You choose. This way, ads do not interfere user experience.

Affiliates and media buyers who don’t want to rely on a single offer, will find SmartLink especially useful. The reason: SmartLink contains thousands of offers!

SmartLink is also the easiest way to monetize remnant traffic that doesn’t work for your current offers. High CPMs and personalized management can help you increase your earnings!

Find out how publishers make profits with SmartLink

Rely on Monetag to make money instantly whether you have a website or not

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